Friday, September 12, 2008

“The Private Lives of Teachers”

Summer has just ended. It seems like every year you have to write some sort of paper explaining, “My Summer Vacation”. Why are teachers always so interested in this facet of your life? (Perhaps they have no real lives and wish to live vicariously through your glamorous holidays). Pick one of your teachers and have a little fun.

1. First, please listen to the following student produced podcast from Youth Radio entitled, “The Private Lives of Teachers”. Click on “Listen Now”.

2. Second, ask their permission to use their name and their photo.
We will “borrow” the images from the school’s faculty photo page. Explain what the project is about. They love education, they can’t possibly say no!

3. Create a creative scenario for your teacher. What sort of seasonal mayhem did they get up to?

• 400 word minimum
• Logical paragraph structure
• See rubric (This what I use to give YOU a GRADE)

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