Friday, September 5, 2008

Setting up your own Blog - ALL CLASSES

First Assignment

You need to register an account to obtain your own blog (see the following post for [simple] instructions).2. Your blog needs a title. Since your blog is a written extension of yourself, your title must be reflective of you, what you are like, you personality, spirit, etc.I teach. Hey, it's not all that I do, but it's obviously an important element of my life. My website, has kept me slumped over a computer for countless hours. So, Step Into Our Classroom is an significant title for me. Stay away from using just your name (That was your parents’ creativity, not yours!).3. You need to edit your profile: Photo.4. You need to pick a template.5. Most importantly- once your blog is active and running I need you to copyand paste the link (i.e. ) into an email and send it to me; .

This is your first daily grade.

Register/Blog Posted/ - 50 pts
Title -20
Photo -20
Template -10
/100pts total
Good LUCK!

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