Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lord of the Flies- - Literary Device Scramble

YEAH! Here we will post our findings of literary devices and figurative language. Be sure to:
- Identify what literary device it is
- Use proper citation

*Remember, this is a first come first serve basis, so we cannot repeat examples. You must read your colleagues' responses before you post.

Good luck

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Agree or Disagree?

Now that you have answered agree or disagree to all of the following prompts, you need to take two and develop your ideas into much greater detail. Understand, the only wrong answer is an unsupported answer. Be to the point, be logical, and use examples to state your case. Your word count for each response should be no less that 200 words.

1. A good leader must have moral integrity.
2. In our minds, a constant battle is waged between good (superego) and evil (id).
3. There is always a way to prevent war.
4. Mankind is the cruelest of all beasts, because when we hurt other people, we realize they are being hurt; when cats play with and eat mice, the cat has no idea that the mouse is in pain. This makes people the least respectable of all species (concept from Mark Twain’s The Damned Human Race)
5. Society needs as many laws as possible.
6. When given the chance, people often single out weaker individuals in an effort to make themselves look or feel better.
7. People only hunt in order to feed themselves.
8. Whenever varying groups of people exist, there will inevitably be power struggles.

You will also need to comment on the posts of two other individuals. One you agree with and the other, someone you disagree with.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lil' Superstar Dialogue

Lil' Superstar?

You need to introduce the scene; give it context. What is the conflict, what are we about to see, why is it happening, who are these people, what is their motivation for their actions, and what is the setting?

Be sure to :
-Insert the time. This way we your viewer knows exactly where your dialogue goes.
0:03 Taruk: (now we know who Taruk is)
- Insert asides, actions and how things look
0:42 Tavuk kicks a earthen pot at his nemesis
0:43 Pashda You thought you could...

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich- Literary Device Scramble

YEAH! Here we will post our findings of literary devices and figurative language. Be sure to:
- Identify what literary device it is
- Use proper citation

*Remember, this is a first come first serve basis, so we cannot repeat examples. You must read your colleagues' responses before you post.

Good luck.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Trip Inspired - Quick Writing Exercise

Fall Trip Inspired - Quick Writing Exercise

Thursday, September 1, 2011


This has nothing to do with the unit; just knew Misha would like it. I like it for 634 reasons. I won't list them all, but I will mention the guy who plays the... nothing?

"Hey man, you're in Ram Jam?"
"Wow dude, what do you play?"
"Ah... my scarf"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Why is Frankenstein’s creature never given a name?

I believe "it" was never given a name because even in the novel, the monster is not presented with any physical characteristics that will give a standard image in to your head. This way, anyone have a different image of the monster in their head because even if she does not describe the monster, giving it a name will give you some sort of image of how the monster looks or sounds.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Frankensteinby Mary ShelleyGraphic Novel Chapter 18

Frankenstein Graphic Novel Chapter 20

The Nameless Creature

Why is Frankenstein’s creature never given a name?


What connections are you making to other literature we have read in class? To the contemporary world? To your own experience? Explain how these connections inform your reading of the novel.

Victim in Chapters 1-8

1. Who is the biggest victim in chapters 1-8? Victor? William? Justine? The creature?(You may choose another character). Explain your choice.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011