Thursday, April 19, 2012

Response to spreadsheet/ Artem

1) Free will cause illogical and immoral decisions made by human beings.

Agree, the ability for people to do whatever they choose appropriate to do is terrifying. The studies by psychologists show that most of wars that have the following of the community and make civilians to participate happen due to  simple human nature. They will to participate in violence as it is in their nature, in world where violence would not be regulated, it would be a world slowly descending into chaos. The early civilizations are the best example, they had worked together only when they were facing the opportunity of extinction and had collaborated in order to survive.

2) Human lives are without consequence or meaning.

Disagree, if the life would have no meaning or have no consequences humanity would never reach the level it is at now, it would remain in the cave with no thought.

3) Free will is an illusion that only exists on Earth to make people believe that they could do what they want rather then what they must.

Every person has an ability to choose what do and those decisions affect his life. Our life is a series of decisions that we choose in our path. Certainly, there are decisions that are made under regulation or because a human is being put under difficult conditions, but in such conditions the most radical and often the greatest ideas are born.

4)You get disappointed* by the person who you would never think that would let you down.

Agree, it is always hard to lose the person you believe, especially when it turns out he betrayed you. The trust in person is more than just an  agreement, it is having a person that you believe as yourself. It is like losing a part of yourself.

5) Free will is just a fictitious idea created by human beings; the liberty to be able to choose what we do and what happens to us is not under our own control, but under the control of something beyond our power.

Every person has an ability to choose what do and those decisions affect his life. Our life is a series of decisions that we choose in our path. Certainly, there are decisions that are made under regulation or because a human is being put under difficult conditions, but in such conditions the most radical and often the greatest ideas are born.

6) The commonly accepted human perspective is not the only way that life can be viewed.

Agree, every person  has  an unique way of understanding lives, the most socially accepted may not be the best for specific person, due to the fact that socially accepted view on life is generalization and a trend that people follow just because they are community beings. Those who go against the trend are normally called outcasts, but they just have another view and perceive world differently.

7) Being uninformed is the only way to enjoy your life

Disagree, in our society being dominated by information and our age, which had rightfully achieved the title “age of information”, with the jobs, that have never took place, like experts of market and influence of development of infrastructure and international communications, have increased the importance of up-to-date valid information. Information became power, most of reporters admit that they call our age “informational warfare” and being uninformed in current society is like going to war without weapon.

8) Slaughterhouse 5 deals with acceptance, fate and free will and time and memory    


9) Life is only worth living when you don’t know everything about your future – "ignorance is bliss".

Agree, the idea of knowing your every step may sound ridiculous and drive you mad. Most of emotions human experience happen due to random things, the most memorable chapters of our life happen due to surprise and unexpected actions.

10) War affects society in most horrific ways and rarely serves it good.

11) Aliens can’t change their fates and future, instead they concentrate upon moments in their lives, as life is more amusing with the unknowns.

??? (They know everything about their future, but try to enjoy unknown life when they know what happens?)

Everybody can change their future,  everybody has a unique future, the ending is the same, the story is always different.

12) People tend to become fatalistic if they acquire more knowledge than they should know and they can handle.

Agree. Knowledge is power and the more power person possesses the more responsibility for usage of his power he acquires.  Does the power make a person fatalistic? Probably not, if you know that something may happen it gives you a knowledge about what not to do, that may lead to accident person is fatalistic about. However, the feeling of realizing when and what will happen is certainly terrifying and there is no single human strong and intelligent enough to carry the responsibility for so much knowledge.

13)A war may have a huge influence on people's fate

Agree. Since the beginning of history humans tried to avoid or take participation in conflicts. This single fact does influence their lives.

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